Board of County Commissioners Public Forum

Want to find out more about your county commissioner candidates before you cast your vote? Learn about the four county commissioner candidates’ platforms, opinions on local topics and how they plan to tackle issues in the recording below highlighting the commissioner forum hosted by Sky-Hi News and KFFR. 

candidate forum crowd

The forum took place Aug. 26 at 6 p.m. at the KFFR studio located at 511 Zerex St, Suite 201 in Fraser. Shanna Ganne, Merrit Linke, Meara McQuain and Ed Raegner had the opportunity to make opening and closing statements, and answered questions submitted by local organizations and stakeholders.

Granby Town Forum – Presented by Panther Radio and Destination Granby

On October 10th, Destination Granby in partnership with the Greater NW Grand County Chamber of Commerce hosted a town forum for the public to learn more about the 8 individuals running for three seats on the Granby Board of Trustees (BOT) including Mayor.

There were two individuals running for Mayor, including the current Mayor, Josh Hardy, and there were 6 candidates running for three BOT seats, including the current trustees Rebecca Quesada and Chris Michalowski and Devon Jarrelli.

The public had three weeks to submit questions corresponding to the following categories: Economy, Housing, Infrastructure, Public Safety, Quality of Life, as well as an “Other” category. A small committee from Destination Granby and the Greater NW Grand County Chamber of Commerce selected the questions for the forum. 6 questions were asked to all candidates. 

The event took place at MPHS on Thursday, October 10th from 6-8pm and was broadcast on Panther Radio, a student-run online radio station affiliated with KFFR.

Listen to different segments of the forum below:

Opening Remarks and First Question:

Questions 2 and 3

Questions 4 and 5

Closing Remarks

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