Fraser Valley Community Media, dba KFFR 88.3FM is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization (EIN# 26-1250067) funded through individual donations, grants and business underwriting. Our mission is to support local culture and public safety through independent community access radio that connects Grand County residents and visitors to one another and the world.

Fraser Valley Community Media (FVCM) operates KFFR at 88.3FM and (coming soon) KFFK at 89.1FM.  The operating budget for FVCM is relatively small, but funding is needed to pay for rent, electricity needed to transmit at 20k Watts, modern broadcast technology, and the salaries of 2.5 employees.  

The most common way to support is through membership. We also hold fundraisers throughout the year and you are able to donate larger items such as cars or electronics.

We accept many items that can help benefit the station!

If you have any of these items new or gently used please let us know:

  • Laptops/Desktop PCs/Ipad or Tablet
  • Apple Mac Mini Computers
  • Monitors and Screens
  • Audio Production Gear
  • Records/Vinyl
  • Cars!
    • We participate in a program called CarEasy. Click here for more info

If you value community radio as a source of local information, volunteer-curated music, and fun events, consider becoming a member today.

  • Evergreen Membership: $5 or more per month or $60/year. You will receive the Evergreen sticker.
  • Family Membership: $150 per year or $10 per month. Your family will receive the Evergreen sticker.
  • Sustaining Membership: $20 or more per month (or $240+). You will receive the Evergreen sticker and discounts on premium gifts during our membership drives.
  • Gold Record Club: $3000 per year for 3 years! Donors at this level receive a gold record plaque at the station and receive special access to KFFR events.

Become a member here

Locals listen to, learn from and love their community radio. Underwriting is effective marketing for your business. Our creative messaging on KFFR connects you with the local community like no-one else can. Underwriters support KFFR radio, and our listeners support KFFR underwriters.

To view a detailed one-pager of Underwriting packages, click here.

Email with questions or to start the process!

If you have any questions regarding donation, please email or contact us through our contact sheet.

It costs KFFR $500/day to operate according to the 2023 budget.  To meet these costs, we are looking for a few generous individuals who are willing to purchase a week of operating costs for three consecutive years equaling to $250/month or $3000/year.

KFFR’s first members of the Gold Record Club are Trish Schoch and Denis Moynihan.  Without their commitment to community radio in Grand County, KFFR would not exist.

A member of the Gold Record Club has its perks.  Number one, you enter into the KFFR Hall of Fame with personalized recognition on a gold record that is hung in the DJ studio for all to see.

Members also receive:

  • Free admission to every KFFR events at the studio and throughout the county.
  • Unique KFFR Swag that is offered during membership drives.
  • Special access and consultation during KFFR’s yearly strategic planning meeting.
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